Video Game Makers Unite! at Capital Factory.

VGMU! presents: The End of Place

VGMU! is a bimonthly speaker series presented at Capital Factory, most often in the evening on the second Thursday of every other month. The upcoming talk is called The End of Place, at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 16, to be given by John Henderson.

Whatever happened to Austin as a video game development community, scene or professional and amateur hub where games got made and celebrated? What have the past two years of international pandemic done to efforts to bring developers together in fellowship, and where do we go from here? John Henderson will give a brief history lesson about where Austin has been, where it ought to be, and why it matters even more now that working from home is here to stay, and the stakes are higher than ever even as Austin continues to grow and change.

Capital Factory is at the south end of Austin Center, in the same building as the Omni Hotel, at the corner of 7th and Brazos in downtown Austin. The venue has underground parking on site, that can be validated to leave by a $7 fee. VGMU! will be on the 8th floor, in the Captain America Room.


Jun 16 2022


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Video Game Makers Unite!